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Ozone Therapy

The Care You Deserve

Ozone is a naturally occurring element in our environment that exists in a gaseous form. We can also make it in-office using pure oxygen and an ozone generator. Ozone is 3 oxygen molecules bound together by a double bond and a single bond. Dr. Amore uses ozone every single day and for almost every single procedure. O3 when utilized at the proper concentration can kill bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses but it does not harm human tissue cells due to our protective antioxidant layer.
We use ozone directly onto teeth infusing it into dental tubules to kill off bacteria when treating cavities, during oral surgery procedures, sinus treatments, in the gum tissue and more. We ozonate our water fresh every day and have ozone-infused oils that can be used in the mouth as well.

Ozone Therapy: Services
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