Amore Dentistry

Safe Mercury Removal
What is Safe Mercury Removal?
Safe mercury removal is a process for removing existing mercury fillings from patient’s mouths using the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)’s SMART protocol. Having attended 10 IAOMT meetings, Dr. Amore has been able to learn from and collaborate with many trailblazers who have dedicated their lives to exposing the truth about the toxicity of mercury and its deleterious effects on the human body and the environment. Removing mercury from the teeth with the least amount of exposure and by-products possible is the first step in detoxifying the body. It is very important that this is done in the most safe way possible to avoid high levels of mercury vapor being released into the air, breathed in by the patient and the dentist and given the opportunity to lodge in different tissues and organ systems within the body.
What Are Dental Mercury Amalgams?
For the past 200 years, dentists have been restoring teeth by placing what they call “amalgam” into the tooth to replace missing tooth structure after decay is removed. Not only does amalgam expand and contract with temperature change in the mouth, causing cracks in teeth over time, it is made up of 50% elemental mercury and other metals such as palladium, silver, tin, copper and cadmium. Mercury is a serious neurotoxin that causes damage to the brain and nerve tissues linking to a plethora of health problems, especially at elevated levels.
Why Are Mercury Fillings So Dangerous?
Mercury affects each individual differently and their response to the neurotoxin varies depending on a various factors such as a person’s genetic disposition, gender, diet, number of amalgam fillings in mouth and/or other toxic chemical and environmental exposures a person has had. Multiple studies have been done linking health conditions and disease to elevated levels of mercury within the body. Mercury has profound cellular, cardiovascular, hematological, pulmonary, renal, immunological, neurological, endocrine, reproductive, and embryonic toxicological effects. And it has been linked to autoimmune diseases, chronic illnesses and even mental disabilities. Mercury is constantly emitted from fillings that are in the mouth and it is absorbed by the body and deposited in different organ systems such as the brain, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Every time a person chews, vapors are emitted. Emission increases with teeth grinding, smoking, and intake of hot liquids. Dr. Amore believes in the constant pursuit of whole body health and it is for this reason she believes it is worth the consideration of having mercury fillings removed if this is a goal one wants to obtain.